Love Pills 2

After they entered her apartment, Dorcas placed the tray on the centre table in her sitting room and
turned around to Fred who grabbed her and hugged her. One of Life’s perfect moments? she thought to herself as the warmth from his body seemed to melt away the icy feelings she had in the morning. She was all smiles as she turned to remove the food covers, Fred had made her three french toasts with sliced hot dogs sandwiched with peanut butter spread. It was a Saturday,

that meant no morning rush for work, that meant it was going to be a great morning for the two birds who were eager and anxious for the apparent perfect moment. Fred sank into her couch as she took a bite from one of the toast, ’this is great, did you make this?’, she asked with a stuffed mouth. ‘Yeah, I make it every morning’ Fred replied with a smile, ‘How is it?’. ‘This is so great’ she replied, ‘I think you just made a fan’, she said smiling and chewing. She joined Fred on the couch as she sipped the chocolate drink. Fred noticed she was still in her worked clothes since the other day and asked how she was feeling, ‘I think I feel a lot better with this starter’ she smiled. Fred chuckled. She took another bite and glanced at Fred demanding how he made the toast. Fred described the whole process from soaking the bread slices in a mixture of whipped eggs, milk and butter, toasting the wet slices on a greased pan to slicing and grilling the hot dogs and spreading the peanut butter on the toasted slices for the sandwich. She was surprised at the ordeal.

Dorcas always had her meals outdoors, cooking was a ritual she only performed once in a blue moon. Fred got up and walked towards the shelf where Dorcas kept her aquarium, ’This is gorgeous, how do you feed them?’ he asked as he admired the little bright coloured fishes that were flipping in the glass cuboid. ‘I buy their feed from the shopping mall uptown, I remember seeing you with a big teddy bear wearing the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen’ she said smiling. Fred turned and glanced up trying to recall, he apparently did and then smiled, ‘Yeah that’s the smile’ she got up. There was a buzz, Fred reached into his left pocket and got his phone ‘Hey… ok… I’ll be there in a jiffy… I’ll just have to freshen up…’ remained silent for a while, while looking back at the aquarium, ‘I appreciate, you know I’ll do anything for you’ he said with a sly smile, ‘Let me come over first’. He turned to Dorcas and explained he had to go shopping with someone. Dorcas thanked him again for the breakfast and followed him to the door. Fred stepped out, turned and waved and walked off.

Dorcas stood at the door staring for a while as he walked along the long veranda that run along the row of the flats that made up the apartment. She turned back inside just as Fred got out his keys and was about to turn to open his door. She got back inside quickly and shut her door. She felt a throng of feelings surging through her, she stayed back at the door then walked back slowly to the couch heaving up. She sat back heavily feeling overwhelmed. The morning was about to be perfect until this, she couldn’t fathom the feeling that the same guy that gave her a perfect start just moments ago could actually have a girl friend.

The meal that was once sensational now looked disgusting, how could he had thought so much about her to the point of making her a breakfast which could have been a breakfast in bed if he had the keys to her apartment. She had meant to peck him but ended up kissing him out of an emotional rush she could not apparently control and he had kissed back. Now she felt worst, it could have been better if the previous evening was a nightmare than facing a stark reality of a grave disappointment. She hated herself the more for being so susceptible. Her phone rang, It was Bibi, her best friend. She divulged everything that happened to the one person she could talk to without feeling overly embarrassed. Bibi assured her she would come by her house after visiting her cousin who needed help in setting up a new apartment.

Dorcas sat back on the couch and heard a slam outside. She rushed to her window and pulled off the heavy blinds to peek outside, she saw Fred walking away from the metal trash can that was placed close to her end of the apartment building. He must have dumped his trash and was probably going out to meet up with his girlfriend. The harsh slam kept resounding in her head, it was as if Fred dumped something more than his trash, perhaps he has also dumped everything she had hoped may happen between the two of them. How could she have been stupid to crush on someone that never felt anything for her, that never cared to talk to her the couple of times they bumped on each other in the mall.

The last time she saw him, he bought a huge teddy bear, perhaps that was for his girlfriend. How could she had been so foolish not to decipher what it meant for a guy to purchase a teddy bear, now she hated him for those smiles he flashed at her. It was not a beautiful smile anymore, it was a portrayal of horror. She left the window and got into her room and the pack of the prescription drugs she left on the table caught her attention. She walked passed it, got to her wardrobe and changed from the shirt and skirt she wore the previous day from work into a pair of trousers and a t-shirt. Her room was messed up from a busy week in the office. She barely slept during the week as she had to complete most of her work at home which resulted in the migraine. Gazing at her mirror she assured herself she had to be strong, try to forget about Fred and get busy with cleaning up her room.

After about an hour, she got exhausted and tired. As much as she tried to forget, the odious incident kept playing in her head. She went into her kitchen, the neatest part of her house and had a glass of water from the tap. Fred’s tray was still sitting on her table as a monumental reminder, in a dash, she picked up the whole tray, and dumped it in her waste bin. Frustrated by the hunger pangs that was now gnawing in her stomach she stepped out to buy cookies, her favourite meal on weekends, from the shops that lined her street just before her avenue. While paying for her purchase, she noticed Fred walk passed and just as she looked she thought she saw a feminine figure walk by his side. Feeling aghast, she opened a bottle of soda from her cart and gulped.

Next her phone rang, she cursed under her breath and carried her bag and left. While bending into the avenue, she could see a lady who seemed to have walked back from her side of the apartment building and entered Fred’s apartment. She did not take those drugs, this is no hallucination, she knew she saw a lady even though her eyes felt heavier, she was sure she saw a lady this time. There she was, Fred’s girlfriend! Now she was walking hastier, she would not be able to hold back this tears that was steaming up if that door went open and either Fred or the girlfriend stepped out to see her like this. She entered her apartment and slammed the door, rested on it while the bag fell off her hand. She did not know when she slid down and sat right there. 

In Fred’s apartment, Bibi picked up her phone and dialled Dorcas’ number for the second time, but there was no answer. 

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  1. Well-scripted 💯 The last paragraph has just made me so eager for a third part.


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