I woke up sluggishly around 7am as I usually do, turning and wriggling on my bed for a while before
stepping down to the rest room. The reality is that its only nature’s call that ever gets me out of the bed that early or something equally critical. I definitely added an extra time in the rest room, resting of course, and only got up to leave for my room when I heard my phone ring.

When I checked, my heart throbbed, it was one of those most important people in my life. She went ‘Hello chum, good morning can you be ready for a pick-up in about 10?’… I bit my lips, ‘No please, I am very sorry, it would take sometime to freshen up and groom myself’… silence, she was gone! If this call came from a casual friend, I would’ve disregarded it as something casual, but it wasn’t. The caller was my lady friend, a senior friend I met while working in a 5star hotel, one of those guests that live in expensive presidential suits for months so it wouldn’t be a casual call.

I was pricked about the call the whole day as I kept wandering what it could’ve been about. It was evening already when I dialled her up and it rang a few times before she finally picked, mentioned her name in her usual ethical manner, ‘Please sorry I wasn’t ready at the time, how is your day going ma’am?’, she replied ‘Hey Mikey, its all good, I am in Abuja at the moment, what’s going on with you?’… ‘Abuja? I thought you were in town at the time you called?’… ‘Yeah I was, we just flew into the country moments ago, actually a friend wanted to see Gambia, you know the whole noise about Gambia as one of the most visited countries in Africa, so she got a jet that took us there, it was a beautiful place for an African nation.’… I went like ‘Oh the call about the pickup this morning was about this?’…’Yes, that was when I was on my way to the airport to make it to Abuja… please let me call you back someone is trying to talk to me down here…’ the line went dead again, and the line wasn’t the only thing that went dead, I also went dead! I couldn’t imagine a day on a jet and a sightseeing in The Gambia. That was a day I would never forget and from that day, I also never forgot to wake up early.


  1. I've had enough bad experiences myself, some i may never forgot

    1. I fed a call on a job I applied and I was given an hour to make it for the interview at a location that was 30 minutes away... The craziest thing was that a downpour started about 35 minutes afterwards... I couldn't make it in time and it was canceled all because I didn't wake up early and prepared for anything

  2. Now this is a huge one! i cant imagine this

  3. I wake up very early everyday, sometimes unexpected things happen so early that i wander what would have happened if i wasnt up just yet... but this one is way out of it

  4. Very funny Ubong, i can feel the frustration already


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