Health effects of sitting and talking associated with a call centre job...


Studies have shown that, after sitting for 8 to 10 hours a day, even the highest level of exercise does not counteract the damage done to the body. Up until recently, a person who exercised 60 minutes a day was considered to be “physically active.” This conclusion is now being questioned.

Emerging research suggests that it is possible to meet current physical activity guidelines while still being incredibly sedentary, and that sitting for long hours increases your risk of disease. For example, if someone smokes and also exercises regularly, the healthful effects of exercise do not negate the harmful effects of smoking. This is why sitting is now considered the “new smoking.”
Sitting for extended periods of time affects a number of health issues. These health issues include the following:
  • As the body’s metabolism and circulation slow due to lack of activity, it uses less sugar and burns less fat. If our intake of sugars remains at the same level, this results in high sugar levels and can lead to adult onset Type II diabetes.
  • Lack of exercise can lead to risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Without exercise, the heart has to work harder to pump properly and may become strained upon exertion.
  • A 2013 survey of nearly 30,000 women found that those who sat for nine or more hours a day were more likely to be depressed than those who sat fewer than six hours a day. Prolonged sitting reduces circulation, causing fewer feel-good hormones to reach your brain. Exercise releases these feel-good hormones and hormones that help us relax, which also reduces stress.

There are several ways the call taker agent can stay healthy. Diet is a big part of keeping healthy. Taking in more calories than you burn increases your weight. Eating healthy will help you maintain weight and feel energized while you work. This involves having a full breakfast and snacking with high energy foods like groundnuts or cashew nuts during break times or time outs. This also very important for the calories burnt during the talking time when attending to emergencies.

Getting enough sleep is a great asset to your health. It will help with your posture, memory, and patience, and reduce stress. Getting enough sleep may be difficult when shifts rotate. Staying awake and focused through out a shift may be a challenge in a call taker room. An 8-hour sleep at night or prior to the shift, chewing gum during breaks and taking fluids will boost attentiveness.

Daily exercise is recommended, but exercising 60 minutes a day, five days a week is not enough. Take a brisk walk at work during lunch if possible. Even a short walk in the office can help. Get up from your chair to go to the restroom and stretch your muscles.

Take time during the day to do short exercises at your desk. Engaging your muscles for one or two minutes each hour will help your body stay active. Observe the time on your computer and remember to get up and move every hour. If you’re on the phone, stand up while talking, if possible. If you need to discuss something with another employee, walk and talk rather than typing an email. In addition to these work-time exercises, try for a minimum of 30 minutes of vigorous exercise five days a week.

Between workouts during your shift and your mild aerobic exercise, you will be making a difference in your overall health, which may reduce your overall risk of illness. Don’t succumb to a sedentary lifestyle. Stay healthy for an improved life while saving lives!


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